Here are some more photo's...

This is a lizzard Gudrun found in our kithchen one day. To read more about that story check out Liz Fluffydust at Gudrun's blog. Trust me, it's worth reading...

Another day at the beach... At Manly again this time... Annette and Audun was playing volleyball, and Audun had some close contact with the sand...

And then...
The graduation dinner... More photo's to come...

Sarah and Iain, some of my favourite people at kids (yes, there's heaps of them...)

Christina, Cathrin, Veronca and me...

Gudrun and Brendon. Have had the great privelege to live with Gudrun this year, she's just amazing!!

Tabitha, (and I just can't remember right now... I'll get back to it...)

Don't think I'll try here... Christina (in the pink dress) and her girls...

Annette and Kirsty. Annette is another of my amazing house mates from this year...

Danielle... on our way to the dinner...
så gøy med bilder! håper du og har hatt ei god jul! og at du koser deg med å være hjemme i norge igjen! gleder meg masse til å treffes!!! :) jeg har kost meg på iveland i jula,drar tilbak til oslo i januar en gang.truffet cathrin!! sååååå koselig:) turen i vår gav meg mange gode venner - er så glad for det! klem
maria! It's been so long since i have seen your beautiful face! I love you so much and miss you heaps! Christmas has been great, but full on! HOw've you been?
Kristin xox
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