After more than one and a half year in this city, I figured it was about time to go to Blue Mountains... yes... i've been here for ages, but still haven't been there... So a couple of weeks ago (just took forever to get the photos on here.. don't know how many times i've almost uploaded them all, just to somehow delete them before i got to save...) Kristin, Charis and I jumped on the train and went up there. Took us probably over 2 hours to get there, but as we were getting close, I soo didn't regret it. Was truly beautiful up there. Since none of us really know our way around there, we just did a simple hike along the edge of the cliffs to see some of the main attractions like the three sisters. Didn't realise how much i've missed the mountains till i got here. Not that it's anything like the mountains back home, but truly stunning anyways! So cool to see out over this massive area all covered with trees, don't have anything like that back home! As soon as we got off the train I could just feel the clear air, was soo refreshing! Getting out of the city, away from all the noise and busyness... I soo needed this... Think i have to go back sometime. This area is so massive, and there's so much cool things to see, think you can spend days hiking and still don't see all there is... But would like to go with someone that knows what they're doing though... think it would be easy to get lost if not...

We had an amazing day, just enjoying the nature, don't get to do that too much around here...
Charis and I on the train...
How beautiful is this!!!
Lunch break... I just love these girls... :-)
Brow cheese... oh yes... nothing like some norwegian food to give you energy for the rest of the day... lol...
All three of us at one of the MANY view points we passed along the way...
the 6 sisters...
Me playing with my camera on the train back... taking pictures of the reflection in the window... Kristin and Charis realised they just had to be ready at any moment...
å så koselig å se jentene! :) ENDELIG fikk du sett det! hehe,får ta turen ved neste besøk;) traff trine og adrian i går! kjempekoselig!!!! klem
Skulle virkelig ønsket at jeg hadde fått sett Australia. Har knapt nok vært i Asia, så Australia er eksotisk.
Det er fint med fjell. Da vi flyttet fra Danmark til Tromsø så var det helt fantastisk å se fjellene igjen. Det var så eksotisk.
Det er forresten eksotisk nok å kjøre forbi den lokale reinflokken på vei til butikken.
Oline: ja, syns nesten det va på tide... flott va det der, kan godt ta dej med en tur ej!!!
Dokke hadde en flott dag i Oslo har e skjønt. Må si, det va godt å få dei tilbake...
Bigdaddy: vel, reinflokk på vei til butikken e ikkje akkurat hverdagskost her... der e nokke ej her til gode å se iallfall... :-)
Savna fjella hjemme, da, det e liksom ikkje nokke som e som fjella langs kysten av norge...
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