11 July, 2006

Hillsong Conference

So, Hillsong Conference is suddenly over... Have been looking forward to this for so long, and working towards it, and suddenly... it's all over.. feels so weird. I was kind of sad that it was over, yes, it was a full on week, late nights and early mornings, but I seriously think I was blessed to work with the best team ever!!

I was "trying" to coordinate the Kids Worship team, and it was a pretty full on task. Trying to make sure everyone were where they were supposed to, doing what they were supposed to, at all times. A few miss-communications, mistakes, and things like that, but all in all, a great week! I learned a lot, and we had SOO much fun. Where else can you have a water-fight in the middle of the service?!?!?! (Obi, you don't know where or when, but I will pay you back for that... lol...)

Basically, like Mike always says, the first rule for kids worship is, FUN!! And we truly had a lot of fun. Friday night we took it to a whole new level. Seriously don't think I've ever seen the guys so crazy on stage, I was afraid they were going to break something or someone... Just to give you an idea, one of the guitarists were on Obi's shoulders playing... lol... And the kids were so into it. But we also had great God-moments with the kids. Don't think there's anything more beautiful than kids full on, eyes shut, arms raised, in worship. And to be priveleged to be a part of making that happen... I consider it a great privelege, but also a huge responsibility. Friday morning (unfortunately not in my venue, would have loved to see this) they had one of those full on God moments at the Kindergarden to year 2 morning rally... They started of with the worship song and just started singing "Jesus", the singers on stage and the band stopped, and the kids (we're talking 5-7 year olds here!!!) just continued... How beautiful is that!!!

Well, it truly was a great week, and I feel so priveleged to be a part of this amazing team. It was an honour to work with them and do life with them this week, the attitude in this team was just AMAZING! No complaints about early mornings, long hours... I'll put out some pictures of my Kidsong family as soon as I get them.


Sarah Joy said...

wow. i love this post. how i miss kidsong and hillsong. spectacular moments. God truly is present there!

thanx for your note on my blog. i really appreciate it. :)
times are absolutely nuts and i'm seriously terrified but thankfully there is a God in heaven who knows and loves me and there are friends on earth who remember me in their prayers (like you!) thank you!!!

much love.

bigdaddy said...

Jeg har undret meg over hvorfor jeg ikke var tilstede da apostlene vandret over jorda, eller da Barrat kom til Norge, eller da Wesley forandret England. Jeg har ofte følt at jeg ikke har vært på rett sted til rett tid.

Det virker likevel som om du har valgt å komme til rett sted til rett tid. Konge Maria, du fant ut hvor Gud gjør noe og reiste dit for å delta. Det er bra.

Be blessed!!!

Trine Hanken said...

Du e utrolig Maria!
E digga å se de steppe opp og ta nye utfordringa! Keep going!! Masse spennende som ligge foran de!!

mie said...

Wow, det høres så utrolig fantastisk ut å være der du er!!! Du er jammen heldig. :)

ciwi said...

ciwi som i ciwi på blink ja :D
vanvittig så liten "verden" er.

maria said...

Sarah: First time I've been to Kidsong... but, yeah, God is truly there! It's so funny though, to see the kids at one moment, fully into worship, and the next, playing around in the podgames... lol...
Hope things are going better for you!!

Bigdaddy: takker så mye. Jo, føler meg virkelig på rett sted til rett tid.. Skulle veldi gjerne ta med noe av dette til Norge...

Trine: look who's talking... takka så mye... når det e sagt, så har du vel steppa ganske mye opp, og tatt nye utfordringe sjøl også... :-) Keep going, sis!!

Mie: jo føler meg igrunn ganske priviligert som får være med på dette her for en periode.

Ciwi: morro.. så en kommentar på en annen blogg (bigdaddy?? husker ikke helt...) så måtte bare høre...